Club Name: FFA
Club Description: FFA incorporates Agriculture into several fields to encourage students to get involved. FFA also develops connections between students and the community through student-led events. FFA can be as involved as the student would like. There are several competitions, projects, and events which they can decide to be a part of, none of which are necessary.
Meeting Location: EHS Main Campus - Room A222.
Meeting Times: FFA meets two to three times a month during Advisory.
Length of Club: FFA is a year-round club, it goes through the whole school year as well as through the summer.
Eligibility Requirements: FFA is for students in Grades 9-12. Students need to be passing all classes to participate. There are no requirements for community service hours, however students are provided with opportunities and encouraged to participate.
Cost for Participation: FFA does not have any upfront costs to its members. Students fundraise throughout the year to pay for trips, events, and jackets.
Staff Sponsors: Brenda Mueller (bmueller@elkhart.k12.in.us)
Additional information: Students can also contact FFA President Alexis King (aking928657@elkhart.k12.in.us) or FFA Vice President Matthew Santos-Barrera (msantos-barrera918485@elkhart.k12.in.us) with any questions.