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Club Name: Yearbook

Club Description: The yearbook staff is responsible for documenting the school year with the publication The Chronicle. The yearbook staff does everything from selling ads, Senior Wishes, and yearbook to taking photos, interviewing, writing, and designing pages.

Club Activities: Yearbook participants attend events, take photos, write captions, design pages, selling ads to community partners.

Meeting Location: Main Campus C127.

Meeting Times: Yearbook is an academic course that meets during the school day. Students who wish to participate in yearbook should speak to their counselor. 

Eligibility Requirements: Members commit to being in the class both semesters. Yearbook is open to students in grades 10-12. Students with strong people skills, strong English skills, and ability to work independently are ideal participants for yearbook. 

Cost for Participation: None

Staff Sponsors: Amy Stine (