Club Name: JAG - Jobs for America's Graduates
Club Description: Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) assists students in learning in-demand employability skills and provides a bridge to college and career advancement opportunities. Through JAG, students develop leadership skills, opportunities to network with colleges and employers, and receive one on one assistance from their JAG Specialist. JAG is so much more than a class!
Club Activities:
- Annual Regional/State Career Development Conference where interested JAG students compete in leadership, employability, and critical thinking categories. Incentives/scholarships for placing at these competitions.
- Annual National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA) in which selected JAG students from across the nation connect and build leadership/networking skills.
- JAG students have opportunities to engage in community service in the classroom and outside of the classroom (10 hours are required per school year).
- Paid summer internships
- Networking opportunities with local banks, businesses, and community leaders, and colleges
- JAG is designed to meet the needs of individual students, so our class sizes are very small. JAG Specialists assist their students in developing a plan for their lives after high school whether that is entering the workforce, military, trade school, or college. JAG Specialists assist with employability skills, leadership skills, college preparation, academic remediation, mentoring, and so much more!
- Incentives for graduating on time
Meeting Locations: Elkhart High School, JAG classroom F120.
Meeting Times: JAG is a part of a student’s regular class schedule.
Length of Club: JAG is a 3-year commitment. A student enters as a junior, continues with the coursework as a senior, and is provided with 12 months of post-graduation support as they transition into adulthood. There is some flexibility as JAG also enrolls 1st year seniors (seniors who did not have JAG junior year).
Eligibility Requirements: Student must be a junior or senior.
Cost for Participation: No cost for participation.
Staff Sponsors: Adriana Alvarez (aalvarez@elkhart.k12.in.us) and Jennifer Kemble (jkemble@elkhart.k12.in.us)