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Welcome to Elkhart High School, home of the Elkhart Lions!

Elkhart High School is the proud home of over 3,400 students and 300 staff members on our two campuses.

Elkhart High School's mission is to be a community where all members achieve academic and personal excellence. The EHS staff takes our role as educators very seriously and we understand the importance of working together with our students, families and our school community to produce the desired learning outcomes and  to ensure our students are college/career and life ready when they graduate from EHS. Our students deserve the best and our entire staff works tirelessly everyday to make this possible. 

I am proud to be the Executive Principal of Elkhart High School and I wish all the students, staff, parents, and the school community a wonderful school year. I welcome the opportunity to show you around Elkhart High School and share with you all of the great things that our students, staff and community members are involved in. Ready. Set. Go Lions!

Cary Anderson, Executive Principal

EHS Administration

cary anderson

Cary Anderson
Executive Principal

Frank Kurth

Frank Kurth
Vice Principal

Gail Draper

Gail Draper
Director of Counseling

Cynthia Bonner

Cynthia Bonner
Director of Inclusion

Dennis Trigg

Denny Trigg
Principal, Human Services School of Study

Krista Riblet,
Teacher on Special Assignment Principal, Natural Resources School of Study

Bryan Hammontree Portrait

Bryan Hammontree
Principal, Elkhart Academy

Krista Hennings

Krista Hennings
Principal, School Without Walls

Kelly Berheide

Kelly Berheide
Principal, Arts & Communication
School of Study

Matt Werbianksy

Matt Werbiansky
Principal, Business & International Relations School of Study

David Bird

David Bird
Principal, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation School of Study

Kelly Blair

Kelly Blair
Principal, Health & Public Safety School of Study

Freshman Division

Headshot of LaTosha Bonds

LaTosha Bonds
EHS Freshman Division

Keith Baker

Keith Baker
Assistant Principal, EHS Freshman Division

Headshot of Joe Fairbotham

Joe Fairbotham
Assistant Principal, EHS Freshman Division

EHS Athletics

Brian Buckley

Brian Buckley
Elkhart High School
Athletic Director

Jacquie Rost

Jacquie Rost
Elkhart High School
Athletic Director

Elkhart High School (Main Campus)

2608 California Road
Elkhart, IN 46514
Phone: 574-262-5600
Elkhart High School Staff Directory

Elkhart High School
(Freshman Division)

1 Blazer Blvd
Elkhart, IN 46516
Phone: 574-295-4700
Freshman Division Staff Directory